Pub. 13 2024 Issue 3

2024 Women in Banking Conference

This year’s Women in Banking Conference was held on March 20-22 at Overland Park Marriott. It was a definite success! We had an exceptional line-up of presenters and 150 attendees. Here are some of this year’s highlights!

Alyson Van Hooser

Level Up: Elevate Your Leadership Game

Alyson Van Hooser revealed to attendees a proven leadership strategy that creates a breeding ground for empowerment, leadership, and high-performance accountability and success.

Sherene McHenry

Less Burnout and Stress! More Success!

Sherene McHenry shared with attendees how to combat burnout and stress while keeping themselves energized and engaged, and how they can operate from a position of strength while guiding others simultaneously.

Kathy Taylor and Kelly VanZwoll

Government Relations Update

Kathy and Kelly gave bankers in attendance an update on the issues of interest to the banking industry at the Federal level and the Kansas statehouse. Federal issues covered included the ACRE Act, CCCA and lawsuits filed against the Federal bank regulatory agencies. Kelly tackled the effort at the state level to modernize the UCCC and bring tax relief to Kansans — including privilege tax-paying banks.

Emily Lehning

A Balancing Act: Embracing Our Seasons

Attendees joined the conversation with Emily Lehning to uncover strategies for growth and achievement while also building in renewal and celebration.

Joyce Marter

The Financial Mindset Fix

In her workshop, Joyce Marter provided practical tools to attendees for recovering from financial trauma, healing money anxiety, setting healthy financial boundaries and more. Attendees discovered how to promote mental and financial health using cognitive behavioral therapy, narrative therapy and mindfulness practices.

Natalie Bartholomew

The Girl Banker

Natalie Bartholomew discussed how she launched her platform to act on her passion for educating young women on opportunities within the banking industry and raising awareness of what it means to be a community banker.

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