Pub. 13 2024 Issue 2

28th Annual Bank Technology & Operations Conference & Showcase

Feb. 12-13, Wichita Hyatt Regency Hotel

We had an exceptional line-up of presenters, 118 attendees, amazing sponsors and 44 exhibitors. Check out some of this year’s highlights!

Keynote Speakers

Dave DeFazio

FinTech Transformers: Rise of Primacy

Dave DeFazio stunned the attendees with the enormity of banking apps being utilized by the Gen Y and Gen Z age groups. This trend is changing overall consumer attitudes and banking behaviors like never before. Being aware of this trend and strategizing to stay ahead of the curve is critical.

Regulatory Panel

(Left to right) Moderator Mike Aylward, KBA Technology Committee Chairman; Lacey Peters, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; AJ Steiger, FDIC; David Sanders, FDIC; Robert Hurd, OCC; and finally Kylee Fine, OSBC.

Chad Knutson, SBS CyberSecurity

Assumed-Breached Testing: Why You Should Test as if a Hacker Was Already in Your Network

Chad Knutson, SBS CyberSecurity, expressed how much more effective it is to test as if a breach has already occurred. This helps determine how far the attacker can go before any safeguard measures (people or technology) stop them and if technical defense mechanisms can be relied upon to minimize the impact of a successful spear phishing attack.

Morgan Wright, SentinelOne

The Coming Cyberspace Cold War with Russia

Morgan Wright, SentinelOne, provided an extremely eye-opening presentation discussing Russia’s cyber weapons capabilities. Why have they not yet used its latest weapons against the ongoing battle with Ukraine? The United States is very likely the reason.

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