Pub. 1 2012 Issue 4

14 l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 279 T he 2012 YBOK Spring Conferencewas held at the Hotel at OldTown inWichita, Kansas. Under the leadership of Frank Carson, IV, Carson Bank, Derby, a balanced program was developed that welcomed a record turnout for YBOKers at over 100 attendees. Intertwining networking opportunities and education aimed at developing young professionals, the conference was a huge success with very positive reviews. FollowingopeningremarksbyPresidentCarson,Dr.ArtHall,aneconomist fromThe University of Kansas, delivered a presentation about perspectives on the Kansas economy in relation to national trends. His viewpoint on dynamics of theKansasmarket relate directly to the populationmigration to urban centers. He had various maps and charts demonstrating specific examples and how it was affecting various regions of the state. Dr. Hall also demonstrated the need for state policy that promotes growth within all economic centers rather than specific programs that only encourage stimuluswithin depleting segments. The morning session wrapped up with an interactive CEO panel discussion. The distinguished panel included Frank Carson, III, President, CEO and Chairman ofCarsonBank inMulvane; CharlieChandler, President, CEOandChairmanof INTRUSTBank,N.A.;andTomPage,PresidentandCEOofEmpriseBank. The candid discussionwas followed by additional questions fromYBOKmembers. TheYBOKannual meetingwas called to order with reports on financials, membership, scholarships and introductions of newAmbassadors to theBoard. YBOK is a growing division within the KBAand in that success they enjoy a membership topping out at nearly 200. This has been a terrific year financially as well as they were able to contribute over $13,000 to the KBA bottom line under the new profit sharing agreement. As the new officers were introduced, Bryce Porter assumed his role as the newYBOK President. In a talk titled “The FutureAin’tWhat It Used toBe,”ChuckWilson from Bank IndustryGroup, Inc., provided steps towardbest practices in the newworld of banking. With a little humor and a lot of practical examples, Chuck provided attendeeswith effectivemeasures formanaging people and functions in the cur - rent environment. Asmany banks are struggling to survive, Chuck introduced a newmindset for the future. With the newreality fresh in theminds of attendees, Mike Pompeo, 4th District Congressman gave an update on happenings on the hill in D.C. to include his role on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Representative Pompeo demonstrated his understanding of the constraints that the Dodd-Frank legislation is imposing on community banks and spoke of his desire to strengthen the ability for newbusinesses to succeed inKansas. “Banks need tobe able toworkwith small business start-ups to create needed stimulus in the economy,” statedRepresentativePompeo. He continuedby telling the group abouthisconceptforasmallbusiness17yearsagothatwassupportedbyabanker which allowed his idea to grow into a thriving business. TheCongressman also spoke of the increasing federal debt problem. To wrap up the jam packed day, The Voice of the Kansas City Chiefs, Mitch Holthus, was vibrant in his talk titled “ANew Dawn.” Mitch is feel - ing good about the new leadership of his favorite team and he gave lessons in leadership with examples from the past. With an emphasis on focusing on the process with no shortcuts, he warned about the problems of focusing on the reward. In his passionate presentation style, Mitch told stories about what he witnessed when leaders would get so caught up in the reward that they lost their way. He ended the day with a heartfelt plea for young profes - sionals to understand the responsibility and opportunity they have before them to lead their profession in the future. 2012 YBOK Spring Conference Education and Networking Opportunities a Success in Wichita CEO Panel Discussion; CEO Panel Frank Carson, III, President, CEO and Chairman of Carson Bank in Mulvane; Charlie Chandler, President, CEO and Chairman of INTRUST Bank, N.A.; and Tom Page, President and CEO of Emprise Bank Mike Graham, First community Bank, Overland Park; Jerol Schrag, Kanza Bank, Wichita; John Kilroy, UMB Bank, NA; Kelsey Cooper, Patriots Bank, Garnett; Ryan Pierce, Bankers’ Bank of Kansas NA; Tyson Oakes, First National Bank, Independence; Cameron Cooper, Patriots Bank, Garnett; Jamie Cinotto, UMB Bank NA Frank Carson IV, Carson Bank, Mulvane; Bryce Porter, Citizens State Bank, Waterville; Mike Pompeo, 4th District Congressman; Jarrod Rowland, Alden State Bank, Sterling discuss current affairs affecting the state of Kansas Alex Williams, Halstead Bank and Wes Clark, UMB National Bank of America, Russell, network during a break in the morning session