Pub. 1 2012 Issue 5

Answer: Probably not ... at least what is considered mandatory and required by the SBA, Examiners, and loan committees! A “Certified Appraisal” by a qualified and “Certified Appraiser”! CAUTION! If you want your loan files to be in regulatory compliance and to really know the value of the real estate, business, and / or equipment , you need to contact the qualified and Certified Appraisers with over 30 years of knowledge and experience. Your loan files will contain a substantiated “Certified” defensible appraisal that will surpass stringent scrutiny. If our phone line is busy, please keep trying! Marketing & Consultant Services, Inc. (316) 681-1527 Are Your Loans Files In Or Out Of Regulatory Compliance? The Answer May Surprise You! Think about your loan files ... Are they in compliance with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s SOP’s? What about Bank Examiners? Will the loan amount surpass the most stringent scrutiny? Afterall, are you really relying on substantiated relevant data from a third party qualified and “Certified” professional when it comes to determining the value of a business, equipment or real estate? C M Y CM MY CY CMY K MCS 2/21/2012 12:03:38 PM 727.475.9827