Pub. 1 2012 Issue 6
8 l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s opportunity, it is not likely to happen for two more years. As evidence of a troubled economy, he noted that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will be minimal by year end – somewhere around one percent – because there is still too much inventory which stunts growth. Europe’s slow growth is affecting the U.S., and what job growth we have is not keeping up with the growth of population. Evidence that better times are coming is that consumer spending is going up, household debt is going down, domestic energy supplies are soaring, and the U.S. is experiencing an improved housing market. Dr. Seifried believes that the key to a quicker, surer economic recovery is energy independence. To support that we are edging closer, he pointed to the huge natural gas finds in Marcellus, New York, and Pennsylvania, that are being drilled, in addition to the oil reserves in North Dakota and Ohio. He believes that once we attain energy independence, the GDP will grow by 7% each year, which will double the current economy in just ten years. Spouses and Guests Spouses and guests gathered for breakfast and an informative and enter- taining demonstration in choosing the right colors for your clothing and for your skin. Fashion coach, Linda Zeiger, led the discussion, empha- sizing proper skin care and new ideas for camouflaging face challenges. Golf 127 golfers gathered for the Bob Brown Golf Classic on a crisp and sunny morning to play the championship East Course at the Broadmoor Golf Club. Prizes in a variety of categories were awarded during the breakfast meeting on Saturday morning. Dan Stepp, Central States Capital Markets LLC, presents the traveling trophy to the championship golf team. Left to right: Joe Herman, First Security Bank and Trust Co, Norton, Kim Bienhoff, Commerce Bank, KansasCity andAaronHerman, First SecurityBank andTrust Co,Norton. Not pictured – Steve Hallier, Commerce Bank. KBA President Chuck Stones encourages CEO Forum attendees to consider benefits provided by membership in the consulting services (KBCS). Continuing the tradition, Chairman John Lehman presents incoming Chairman, Frank Carson, with a time piece. ABA Chairman-elect Matt Williams, Gothenburg State Bank, Gothenburg, NE, stresses the importance of a united banking industry. continued from page 7
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