Pub. 2 2013 Issue 6
Goal #1: Do More. Offer More. Make More. We all have goals. And we all know that some are easier to accomplish than others. Staying compliant and profitable sounds like a hard one, but when you partner with JMFA, it’s easy. That’s because our goal is to help you stay within regulation while actually improving your profitability. We’ve been in business for more than 35 years, helping financial institutions increase their revenue streams by billions of dollars. Empowering them to do more, offer more and make more. And we can help you too. Call JMFA today and let’s get to the business of achieving your goals. we can help with that. | 800-809-2307 © 2013 John M. Floyd & Associates, Inc. J|M|F|A ® and JMFA Overdraft Privilege ® are registered trademarks of John M. Floyd & Associates, Inc. JMFA OverdrAFt Privilege® • recruitMent ServiceS • JMFA cOntrAct OPtiMizer • revenue enhAnceMent & exPenSe MAnAgeMent PrOceSS iMPrOveMent • SAleS & Service • BuSineSS StrAtegieS & PlAnning
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