Pub. 2 2013 Issue 8

experience drive BKD National Financial Services Group 1:5 PARTNER TO STAFF Kevin Cook // Kansas City // 816.221.6300 Matt List // Wichita // 316.265.2811 What are you pushing toward? Improved shareholder value? Reduced risk? Pursuing these goals is critical to your success. You need guidance. BKD National Financial Services Group can help. BKD’s partner-to-staff ratio is lower than the average found in most other national firms, so we can offer personal attention. Our tax services are designed to help financial institutions comply with federal, state and local laws. In addition to preparing tax returns, we can assist you with sub-S conversions, nexus tax consulting, accounting method changes, succession and estate planning, ESOP services and more. Experience how our insights can help you gain the traction to pull ahead.