Pub. 3 2014 Issue 1
l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 18 A S A RESULT OF CERTAIN ECONOMIC and other factors, a growing number of banks in Kansas are liquid and looking for opportunities to grow. Many of these institutions are interested in acquiring or selling assets to better manage risk or position their institutions for greater growth in the near future. Whether they are buyers or sellers of assets, Kansas banks face a number of obstacles. First, with such a highly fragmented marketplace, how can financial institutions efficiently identify potential buyers and sellers of assets? Second, not all assets are local. For many banks, there is a dearth of quality asset opportunities to which they have ready access. Also even if loan demand within a bank’s local market is strong, the institution may want to look elsewhere to acquire desired assets. Perhaps the bank wants to adjust its loan portfolio to increase or diversify its mix in certain asset classes and borrower types, or to diversify its geographic footprint. Fortunately, a new online marketplace – Bank Assetpoint® – that promises to simplify, centralize, and increase buyer and seller connectivity is now available in Kansas. Quite simply, Bank Assetpoint is an online gathering place for banks, brokers, and other buyers and sellers of bank-owned assets – and is the only national marketplace to focus on bank assets. Here, bank participants can post and view listings of a variety of new lending opportunities, as well as existing loans and commercial real estate owned (REO). Bank participants can also go to Bank Assetpoint to find partners who can help them increase revenue or better manage risk. Bank Assetpoint is brought to you by Promontory Interfinancial Network, the same company that created CDARS®, ICS®, and IND®, and that was founded 11 years ago for the precise purpose of addressing the needs of community bankers in all 50 states. Over the years, Promontory’s services have evolved and multiplied in response to its member banks’ needs. Bank Assetpoint is no exception. Bank Assetpoint is a single point where Kansas banks and other eligible participants can: • Search thousands of national, local, or out-of-market listings for bank-owned commercial real estate, whole loans, loan participations, and loan pools; • Post (or have a real estate broker or loan sale advisor post) asset listings of their own; • Connect with real estate brokers, loan sale advisors, and other specialty service providers who can deliver sought- after expertise; and • Enjoy the security and convenience of virtual data rooms, powered by IntraLinks, the industry leader. Bank Assetpoint is unique. The platform does not compete with brokers or banks, which fosters greater transparency and usage of the site. It is designed purely to enhance the sharing of information. Bank Assetpoint is already connecting financial institutions and other parties that want to buy and sell bank assets – loans, commercial real estate, etc. More than 4,000 participants have registered for Bank Assetpoint, including over 1,000 banks, ranging in size from small-town community banks to among the nations’ largest. The platform has also attracted listings from five of the six largest commercial real estate brokerage firms and nearly 20 nonbank lenders (among others). And using Bank Assetpoint, banks have identified $350 million new alternative loan originations that have already closed or that have firm sales commitments or ongoing flow agreements. Get started today! Registering is easy. Armed with login information, you can search or post listings; filter and sort asset listings; set up watchlists to receive email alerts of new listings of interest; check listing activity; and utilize secure, state-of- the-art virtual data rooms to review and sign nondisclosure agreements and view asset-specific information. To learn more, visit (where you can watch a two-minute video overview), or contact Lance Caldwell, Regional Director at (866) 776-6426 ext. 3487 or . Bank Assetpoint is provided by Assetpoint Services, LLC, a wholly owned sub- sidiary of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC. Assetpoint Services, LLC does not, merely by permitting the listing of an asset or the identification of a third-party provider of services on the website, endorse the asset, the party posting information about it, or the third-party provider, as applicable. Use of the Bank Assetpoint service is subject to the terms and conditions in the Bank Assetpoint agreements, including the Bank Assetpoint Participant Agreement. © 2013 Assetpoint Services, LLC. GET ON POINT: A NEW TOOL HELPS BANKS IN KANSAS DIVERSIFY AND REBALANCE THEIR ASSET PORTFOLIOS
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