Pub. 3 2014 Issue 3

Order deadline is Aug. 1, 2014 2015 Scenes of Kansas Calendar Order Form Fax proof E ‐ mail proof Name __________________________________________ Use same imprint from the 2014 Scenes of Kansas Calendar* Bank ___________________________________________ Updated or new calendar imprint (imprint area 1” x 10 3/4”) Address _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________ Include logo on imprint (E ‐ mailing digital File or mailing image) E ‐ mail __________________________________________ Quan � ty _______________________________________________ * Don’t forget to include an imprint from a 2014 calendar with your order. Mail, e ‐ mail or fax orders to: Sara Blubaugh | Kansas Bankers Services, | P.O. Box 4407, Topeka, KS 66604 ‐ 0407 | 785 ‐ 232 ‐ 3484 Background photo taken by Megan Suther, Morrill & Janes Bank & Trust Co., Atchison For the 16th consecu � ve year, the Kansas Bankers Associa � on is o ff ering its heartwarming Scenes of Kansas Calendar , which celebrates Kansas’ beauty and highlights your bank at an a ff ordable price. What sets this full ‐ color calendar apart is the personal way in which it is created. Photos chosen for the calendar are taken by Kansas bank employees, execu � ve directors and their immediate families. Landscapes, seasons, Kansans, events—all images inspire and evoke a warm feeling of Kansas. Your bank’s name, and if you prefer, your bank’s logo will appear along the bo � om edge of each calendar, remaining in full view throughout the year .  Fill out and return the form below by mail, e ‐ mail or fax.  Indicate whether you would prefer to receive a proof by fax or e ‐ mail.  To use the same imprint as last year, cut o ff one from the bo � om of a 2013 calendar and mail, e ‐ mail or fax it with your order.  Or send a sample imprint, or list imprint infor ‐ ma � on below. Imprint area is 1” x 10 3/4.” Imprint will be printed in black. To include your black ‐ and ‐ white logo at no addi � onal charge, please e ‐ mail a high ‐ resolu � on EPS  le (300 PPI) or mail a high ‐ quality printed image with your order.  Order deadline: August 1, 2014  You will be billed when your order is shipped to you. Calendars will arrive in or before the  rst week of November 2014. Cost is $1.15 per calendar, plus shipping and tax.  Minimum calendar order is 50. How to order: