Pub. 4 2015 Issue 3

April 2015 21 l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s BANK BENEFITS INCLUDE: Funded exclusively by the banking industry, the Foundation gives banks a way to fulfill their CRA requirements by providing the nationally-acclaimed Senior Crimestoppers program to protect low-and-moderate income seniors living in nursing homes, HUD communities and Veterans homes. Become a partner in a national effort to prevent elder abuse in your community. • Guaranteed CRA credit • CRA-qualified loan, investment and grant funding options • Receive detailed compliance reporting • Completely turn-key • Positive public relations Protect the Elderly and Earn CRA Credit –––––––––– S –––––––––– SENIOR HOUSING CRIME PREVENTION FOUNDATION 877-232-0859 • Personalize and print the handouts for distribution at the event • Make a brief introduction of yourself and your bank • Show the video • Answer questions at the end of the video No need for note-taking because the important take-away information is contained in the handouts. You can invite local law enforcement, a trusted attorney, a trusted financial advisor, and your local office of Adult Protective Services to attend the event to help answer specific questions during the Q & A. Why should a bank get involved in the Foundation? Two reasons – it’s the right thing to do and it is good business. The elderly citizens in our society are frail and vulnerable. In the final stages of their lives, they deserve the very best that we can give them – at minimum they should live in safety and security, without the fear of theft, abuse and other personal violations. It’s also good business. The elderly seniors, Veterans and their families appreciate businesses and organizations that provide protection for their loved ones and are a lucrative affinity group for a bank to pursue while gaining CRA credit for your bank. For more information contact Sue Shaffer at 877-232-0859 or Sue.Shaffer@ May 28, 2015 Wichita Drury Plaza Hotel Broadview The role of Enterprise Risk Management is a constantly evolving process. In a time of finan- cial recovery, the role of risk management is more prominent than ever and in a climate of regulatory changes, legislation and best prac- tices, more emphasis is being put on imple- menting an effective ERM framework. This one - day program will assist your institution in developing a comprehensive, structured and holistic framework by addressing the following: interest rate risk, loan pricing strategies, man- aging the investment portfolio, cybercrime, stress testing, vendor management, liquidity risk and much more! Educational Resources 785 - 232 - 3444 May 28, 2015 Wichita Dru y Plaza Hot l Broadview The role of Enterprise Risk Management is a constantly evolving process. In a time of finan- cial recovery, the role of risk management is more prominent than ever and in a climate of regulatory changes, legislation and best prac- tices, more emphasis is being put on imple- menting an effective ERM framework. This one - day program will assist you institution in developing a comprehensive, structured and holistic framework by addressing the following: interest rate risk, loan pricing strategies, man- aging the investment portfolio, cybercrime, stress testing, vendor management, liquidity risk and much more! Educational Resources 785 - 232 - 3444 May , 2015 Wichita Drury l za Hotel Broadview The role of Enterprise Risk Management is a constantly evolving process. In a time of finan-cial recovery, the role of risk management is more prominent than ever and in a climate of regulatory chang s, legislation and best pra -tic s, more emphasis is being put on imple-menting an effective ERM framework. This one-day program will assist your institution in develop- ing a comprehensive, structured and holistic framework by addressing the following: interest rate risk, loan pricing strat- egies, man-aging the investment portfolio, cybercrime, stress testing, vendor management, liquidity risk and much more! Educational Resources 785-232-3444