Pub. 5 2016 Issue 2
EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES WWW.KSBANKERS.COM 785-232-3444 A Two-Tiered Workshop for Today’s Lenders & Relationship Managers Section One: Business Development The focus of this segment is on business devel-opment program design and management. It is important for institutions to develop a structure that is easy to manage in order to create and sustain program success. Section Two: Relationship Building This section concentrates on relationship skills. We will help participants identify their strengths and opportunities for skills development. The essential skills for building rapport, discovering needs, presenting solutions and gaining commit-ment will all be discussed. B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y K A N S A S B A N K E R S F O R K A N S A S B A N K E R S 2016 Business Development and Relationship Building Workshop May 24 - Wichita May 25 - Overland Park Relationship Building - Optimizing in-person contacts - Suggestive selling - Discovering needs - asking powerful questions - Managing generational relationships - Finding time for business development activities - Setting & achieving relationship goals Business Development - Program challenge s & opportunities - Setting the right goals - Creating acco untability - Maintaining program v isibility - Product k nowledge training - Program design considerations
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