Pub. 5 2016 Issue 2

l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 30 Magazines | Newsletters | Annual Reports | Digital Media Client: Intrust Ad Title: Correspondent - Tug O’ War Publication: Kansas Banker Pub - 4c Trim: 7.5" x 4.625" Shawn Eidson 316-383-1368 | Dan Heinz 316-383-1415 | David White 316-383-1435 | Quinton Smith 316-383-1900 We’re a family-owned, Midwest financial institution, and we’ve helped community banks just like yours provide customers with financial services to rival even the biggest banks. And because we call many of the same communities home, we’re perfectly suited to help your bank – and your community – thrive. Our roots share the same soil. Member FDIC I ©2016 INTRUST Bank 33458_Correspondent_TugOWar_KansasBanker.indd 1 2/3/16 10:32 AM