Pub. 5 2016 Issue 9

l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 8 to help students do extraordinary things. Dickie explained his five principles of character and the challenge of intentional influence. The first day of the conference came to a close with a networking reception. Day two began with a talk from Gene Marks, columnist, author and business owner, covering how the new administration will affect banks. Healthcare changes and the repeal of Obamacare is likely to happen early on to include: a tax credit on premiums; insurance plans sold across state lines to increase competition; block grants to states for management of Medicaid as they see fit; and an increased use of individual health savings accounts (HSA) that are transferable upon death. With the minimum wage expected to increase at the national level, Marks reported that Trump is open to a minimum wage of $10 but it will apply upward pressure on other jobs to maintain the separation. He covered paid time off trends around the country with a lean toward federal legislation for some mandated PTO. Trump is in favor of six weeks paid parental leave paid through unemployment insurance. There was some discussion on the difference of opinion between Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan on the Trans Pacific Partnership debate, NAFTA, infrastructure spending and management of the social security program. Marks believes there will be significant focus on immigration with enforcement of existing laws. He forecasted significant financial reform to include revoking some regulations, elimination of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and significant reform of the CFPB. Tax plans were the next topic in the list of expected issues. Trump wants to set the top corporate tax rate at 15 percent and eliminate the capital gains tax. Lynn David, Community Bank Consulting Services, addressed the group about the risks associated with human resources, leadership work habits, and organization infrastructure in the organizational chart. Personality assessments can be of great value for managers because they can learn about their own personality traits and make adjustments for balance and success. David also addressed the need for an affirmative action plan for all banks as federal contractors due to their participation in the FDIC insurance program. He rounded out his talk with the top priorities in hiring: find the right people, strong onboarding processes and continued coaching and mentoring. The conference wrapped up with a cybersecurity presentation from Alex Hernandez, DefenseStorm. He discussed the necessary components of board reporting such as what you are monitoring and how often. He explained the importance of including board reports containing the most prevalent threats and how they affect the institution. Hernandez also discussed what the industry is doing to combat phishing and he outlined the processes that allowed for the Target breach. The conference concluded with a reminder to attend the 2017 Economic Outlook and Risk Management Conference at Wichita Marriott on November 7-8. Character Coach for the Wichita Shockers, Steve Dickie, spoke about ways to challenge your prospective and impact your workplace. Lynn David, Community Bank Consulting Services, spoke about human capital and how to retain your high performing staff. Michael and Kent Needham, First Security Bank, Overbrook, chat between session.