Pub. 6 2017 Issue 2

l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 12 C OMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING at the Kansas Statehouse are an essential part of the efforts that occur each session. Elected officials are placed on committees and work a variety of bills that they may or may not have any expertise with. Naturally, having bankers on these committees is an effective way to increase representation. The banking industry in Kansas is fortunate to have three bankers from around the state serving as State Representatives at the Statehouse. District 7 is served by Representative Richard Proehl, Labette Bank in Parsons. District 11 is served by Representative Jim Kelly, Community National Bank & Trust in Independence. District 26 is served by Representative Larry Campbell, Merrit Bank, Olathe. All three of the Kansas bankers serving at the statehouse are committee chairman and highly respected by their peers. “I can’t overstate how beneficial it is for our industry to have active bankers serving in the Kansas Legislature. When a financial services related issue arises at the Statehouse the bankers serving are sought out by their legislative colleagues for advice and counsel,” states Doug Wareham, KBA’s EVP-COO. Representative Richard Proehl was elected to represent his district in December 2005. He is the Chairman of the Transportation Committee and also serves as a member of the Taxation Committee, Appropriations Committee, and Healthcare Stabilization Fund Oversight Committee. He enjoys his service to the constituents of his district and sees it as a way to give back to the community and state that have treated him well. Proehl is especially grateful for the support he receives from Labette Bank. He couldn’t do it without their encouragement and support. Most weekends and on days the Statehouse is closed, you can find him at the bank reviewing real estate appraisals. Proehl noted that he believes his experience as a banker has been helpful in his role at the Kansas Statehouse because successful bankers have to be able to work with people from all sectors and relate to multiple business models. District 11 Representative Jim Kelly began his first term in 2011. He is the Chairman of the Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee. He also serves on the Insurance Committee, the Health and Human Services Committee, and the Taxation Committee. Kelly is Executive Vice President of Community National Bank & Trust and noted that he initially accepted an appointment to a vacant seat and later ran for his own term following the encouragement from decision makers at the bank. “Banks are public minded and give back to their community. They are generous with staff for service to the community,” stated Kelly. He believes that bankers have an opportunity to make a big impact on their communities. His service on committees allows him the opportunity to put a face on an issue that may affect the banking industry. He assists in interpreting legislation and explaining issues, as well as applying appropriate concern about regulations that are intended to protect personal information. Kelly also noted that because of his experience as a banker he can ask better questions about a bill that might affect the industry. Rep. Proehl and KBA SVP-General Counsel Kathy Taylor review proposed legislation. BANKER REPRESENTATIVES IN THE KANSAS STATEHOUSE Rep. Kelly prepares to chair the Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee.