Pub. 7 2018 Issue 7

September 2018 13 l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s in Sublette; and Kent Needham, First Security Bank in Overbrook. Each shared both humorous and poignant memories of Chuck’s leadership as they wished him well on his next adventure in life. Chuck rounded out the evening with his own words of wisdom for the group as he thanked his family, friends, bankers and coworkers for their support, while quoting the movie City Slickers and encouraging everyone to find their “one thing” in life. Saturday morning began with a buffet breakfast and golf awards, followed by the annual meeting and election of officers. During the annual meeting, the KBA by laws were presented and subsequently amended to reflect that the slate of officers would no longer contain the role of treasurer, replaced by a vice-chairman in order to provide a clear path of succession through the officer chairs. KBA Chairman Ron Johnson passed the gavel to Chris Donnelly of Bank of the Prairie, who assumed the chairmanship for 2018- 2019. Also during this meeting Kurt Knutson of Freedom Bank was named Chair-elect and Jonathan Johnson of Home Savings Bank in Chanute was elected Vice-chairman. Upon adjournment of the annual meeting, participants joined a general session to hear Esther George, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City speak on the topic of “The U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy.” She noted that the FoMC had met earlier in the week, and that the economy is strong and on track. She also shared that while the ag sector continues to be under stress, interest rates and monetary policy are on paths to normalization. She mentioned that while there is more appetite for less regulation, the challenge is how to calibrate regulation. Ms. George encouraged all bankers to read the Treasury report that came out earlier that week, as it contains information on a new fintech charter. She stated, “we should make sure innovation happens in this country,” but asked bankers to carefully consider what trade-offs might need to be made because of modernization. The final general session was presented by General Richard B. Myers, President of Kansas State University. He began his impactful presentation by recalling his day on September 11, 2001, when he was Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President George Bush. He then shared his Three H’s of Leadership: Honor, Humility, and Humor; how he practices them in his daily life and how others can practice them as well. While discussing his time at Kansas State University, General Myers made mention of the new biologic agriculture threats and how we as a nation should be concerned about ag and food security. Chairman Donnelly adjourned the 2018 CEO Forum with a reminder to participants to mark their calendars for August 1 – 3, 2019, when we will celebrate our 35th year at the Broadmoor! Bankers are encouraged to make their hotel reservations now in preparation for this anniversary event. ABA chairman-elect, Jeff Szyperski, provides attendees with an update on what’s going on in Washington, D.C. related to banking. Bonus session #1 featured Sean Payant and his secret ingredient to success. CPA Gary Allerheiligen shared his take on how the new tax law will impact Kansas banks.