Pub. 7 2018 Issue 8

L E A D I N G A D V O C A T E F O R T H E B A N K I N G I N D U S T R Y I N K A N S A S 26 Briefly... In Kansas Banking Ryan Harwell has been promoted to vice president with responsibility for the Bank’s Credit and Risk Management; Statistics, Structure and Reserves; Support Solutions; and Surveillance and Risk Analysis departments. Harwell joined the Bank in 2005 as an assistant examiner in the Kansas City Examinations and Inspections (E&I) team, which is responsible for the supervision of community banking organizations. In 2008, he earned his examiner commission and was promoted to manager in 2010. Upon being appointed to assistant vice president in 2014, Harwell became responsible for a number of functions within the Bank’s Supervision and Risk Management Division. In 2016 he assumed management of the Kansas City E&I department, where he began his Bank career. Holly Cartagena , has been appointed to assistant vice president responsible for the Bank’s Business Solutions Delivery efforts. Cartagena joined the Bank in 2010 as an assistant examiner and earned her examiner commission in 2013. She has held management positions in the Bank’s Supervision and Risk Management Division since 2013. Bill Medley has been named assistant vice president and public information officer responsible for directing the Bank’s overall communication strategy, including media relations, digital communications and Bank publications. Since joining the Bank in 2007, Medley has been a key contributor to the Bank’s media and external relations activities, executive speeches and several writing initiatives, including authoring Highways of Commerce: Central Banking and the U.S. Payments System. KANSAS CITY, MO. – Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City President and Chief Executive Officer Esther George recently announced the following organizational changes: