Pub. 8 2019 Issue 1

L E A D I N G A D V O C A T E F O R T H E B A N K I N G I N D U S T R Y I N K A N S A S 16 Hanes Named Chair of Agriculture and Rural Banking Committee Shan Hanes, President and CEO of Heartland Tri-State Bank in Elkhart has been named Chairman of the American Bankers Association Ag and Rural Development Committee. The committee is over 100 years old and was one of the first formed by ABA. This committee of 14 bankers from across the country is committed to providing guidance and recommendations to ABA staff, providing advocacy in both state and national politics, serving as a source for public relations to news outlets, and providing education to thousands of ag and rural bankers across the country. Shan will chair for a year and be the ABA spokeperson for ag and rural bankers in Washington DC. He is only the fourth Kansas banker to be named as chairman of this committee since its inception. James David Murphy Joins First Bank First Bank is pleased to announce the addition of James David Murphy to the First Bank team as senior vice president in the Sterling, Kansas location. He began working for Frontier Bank in 1987, and has served as the bank center president in Burlington, Colorado, since 1992. David’s education includes Graduate School of Banking in Boulder, Colorado, and his Bachelor of Science in Ag Finance from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas. He has experience with small business, commercial and ag lending, tax analysis, global cash flow, real estate appraisal, and customer development and relations. Shan presiding over the ABA Ag Conference in Omaha, NE.