Pub. 8 2019 Issue 1
Order deadline is Aug. 1, 2019 2020 Scenes of Kansas Calendar Order Form Name __________________________________________ Bank ___________________________________________ Use same imprint from the 2019 Scenes of Kansas Calendar* Updated or new calendar imprint (imprint area 1” x 10 3/4”) Address _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Fax ____________________________________________ Include logo on imprint (E‐mailing digital File or mailing image) E‐mail __________________________________________ �uan�ty _______________________________________________ * Don’t forget to include an imprint from a 2019 calendar with your order. Background photo taken by Regan Ast, Daughter of Tom Ast, First National Bank, Cimarron For the 21st consecu�ve year, the Kansas Bankers Associa�on is offering its heartwarming Scenes of Kansas Calendar , which celebrates Kansas’ beauty and highlights your bank at an affordable price. What sets this full‐color calendar apart is the personal way in which it is created. Photos chosen for the calendar are taken by Kansas bank employees, execu�ve directors and their immediate families. Landscapes, seasons, Kansans, events — all images inspire and evoke a warm feeling of Kansas. Your bank’s name, and if you prefer, your bank’s logo will appear along the bo�om edge of each calendar, remaining in full view throughout the year . Fill out and return the form below by mail, e‐mail or fax. A proof will be e‐mailed prior to prin�ng. To use the same imprint as last year, cut off one from the bo�om of a 2019 calendar and mail, e‐mail or fax it with your order. Or, send a sample imprint, or list imprint infor‐ ma�on below. Imprint area is 1” x 10 3/4.” Imprint will be printed in your choice of black or color at no addi�onal charge. To include your logo, please e‐ mail a high‐resolu�on EPS file (300 DPI) or mail a high‐quality printed image with your order. Order deadline: August 1, 2019. You will be billed when your order is shipped to you. Calendars will arrive in or before the first week of November 2019. Cost is $1.15 per calendar, plus shipping and tax. The minimum calendar order is 50. Call Julie Taylor at 785‐232‐3444 or e‐mail �taylor � with ques�ons. How to order:
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