Pub. 8 2019 Issue 3

May/June 2019 11 l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s The Urban Banker panel discussion featured left to right: Travis Hicks, CEO, TriCentury Bank, DeSoto; KBA Chairman-elect Kurt Knutson, CEO, Freedom Bank, Overland Park; and Mark Larrabee, CEO, Arvest Bank. KBA SVP-Government Relations Alex Orel (right) moderated the Banking Meets Public Service panel, featuring (left to right): Mike Boehm, SVP at Commerce Bank in Lenexa and Mayor of Lenexa; and Craig Meader, CEO of First National Bank of Kansas in Burlington and Mayor of Waverly. Ted Garnett, center, leads the class through a hands-on communications activity. Assistant Vice President Jason Brown provides a regional economic outlook. During a tour of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the class enjoyed displays, including the Fed’s extensive collection of coins. Jeff Legette, AVP Examinations and Inspections Department, focused on trends in the Kansas banking industry. Senior Vice President Diane Raley welcomes the group on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.