Pub. 8 2019 Issue 5

l e a d i n g a d v o c a t e f o r t h e b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y i n k a n s a s 16 The BLOK book report project was an opportunity for classmates to work together outside of class throughout the year. Pictured left to right are Carmelita Taylor (Astra Bank, Abilene), Terry Wright (GNBank, Horton), Jacob LaRue (Bank of Commerce, Chanute), and Lindsey Voss (Farmers Bank & Trust, Overland Park). Class members learned that the #1 leadership skill is listening. Exercising this skill are left to right Jacob LaRue (Bank of Commerce, Chanute), Terry Wright (GNBank, Horton), Eric Clemenson (Arvest Bank, Mission) and Kristen Wesolowsky (Legacy Bank, Wichita). Jeff Martin (left, First Heritage Bank, Centralia) leads a blindfolded Blake Meyer (right, Denison State Bank, Holton) with no verbal communication. Book report groups explained principles learned from the book, “Leadership & Self Deception” and gave examples of implementing these ideas into their own lives. Pictured left to right are Derek Bailey (Great Western Bank, Shawnee), Chris Bilby (Home Savings Bank, Chanute) and Suzan Saville (FHLBank Topeka, Topeka).