Pub. 9 2020 Issue 3

Pub. 9 2020 Issue 3 15 L E A D I N G A D V O C A T E F O R T H E B A N K I N G I N D U S T R Y I N K A N S A S communications and interactions. Develop products and services that assist with short-term needs. Identify Your Next Steps What can your bank do to help customers struggling with anticipated financial challenges? • Skip A Loan Payment Programs • Interest Only Loan Payments • Unsecured Line of Credit for Overdrafts • Easy Access or Low Fee Home Equity Loans • Waive Early Withdrawal Penalty on Certificates of Deposit • Personal Financial Management Software or App • Financial Education Classes • Reduced Fee for Accounts Receivable Financing THE POWER OF PARTNERSHIP WORKING TOGETHER FOR YOUR HOMEBUYING CUSTOMERS For nearly 19 years, Mortgage Investment Services Corporation (MISC) has been a strong partner with Kansas community banks. MISC’s only purpose is to assist community banks to make home loans for their customers. We combine our high-tech features with your face-to-face customer service. Your bank and your customers benefit from this working partnership. • No cost to sign up. No risk to give us a try. • No software or hardware investment by your bank • Free training and ongoing support for your loan officers • Wide range of fixed rate loan products • Free marketing support to attract new families to become bank customers • MISC serves 240 Community Banks in OK, KS, MO & CO • Fannie Mae Approved Seller/Servicer. Call Andrew Holtgraves today to unlock the Power of Partnership! Andrew: (913) 390-1010 ext. 1019 challenges. Modify your delivery channels, adjust your policies and update your technology, so when you need it, your entire organization can provide the compassion, empathy and expertise your customers need to survive their financial crisis. Prepare For Tomorrow As the dust settles and bank customers return to some degree of normal life, how can you help? What advice or assistance are you prepared to offer? Plan now for those conversations. Prepare your staff for effective About the author: Tom Hershberger is president of Cross Financial, a business consulting firm based in Lincoln, Nebraska. The organization works with financial institutions throughout the country providing management support services for business planning, staff training, mystery shopping, employee and customer surveys, brand management, and corporate communications. Tom can be contacted at 402.441.3131 or . SPEND TIME TODAY PREPARING YOUR STAFF FOR EFFECTIVE WAYS TO EMBRACE CUSTOMERS AND THEIR FINANCIAL CHALLENGES.