Pub. 9 2020 Issue 3

Pub. 9 2020 Issue 3 17 L E A D I N G A D V O C A T E F O R T H E B A N K I N G I N D U S T R Y I N K A N S A S security, is relatable and memorable. Instead of stating facts about the last password weakness breach or telling employees which passwords not to use, scale the information to a real-life circumstance. Which leads me to my last point. Train a New Way Security Awareness Training doesn’t have to be boring. Training can be interactive using role simulations, team cyber issue problem solving, even question and answer sessions. Test for effectiveness and provide incentives for good outcomes. Getting your employees involved and identifying themselves as a part of the solution can rejuvenate your employee training program. Work with your employees to generate buy- in and make them ambassadors of your security. Create a re-energized Employees Security Awareness Training program by training your staff in new and better ways, and deploy your employees as a front- line protection for your bank and customer information. A good Security Awareness Program is integral to helping your employees understand your bank culture relating to security. While management sets the tone for a commitment to security, the employee’s knowledge and awareness plays a primary role in protecting the bank and customer information. By providing relevant security awareness training, you are inviting your employees to participate in successfully protecting the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the bank’s information and information assets. Missy Oliver works at CoNetrix as a Compliance and Security Consultant with seven years of technical and security experience in the educational and financial sectors. She has a B.A. in Advertising/Public Relations from Texas Tech University. She assists with the creation, customization, and maintenance of information security programs, facility in security programs, facilitation in the security committee meetings, and Cybersecurity Assessment Tool board training.