By The Kansas Bankers Association

The 2020 Economic Outlook and Risk Management Conference broke new ground by going virtual this year. On Wednesday, Nov. 4, KBA Chairman Jonathon Johnson welcomed over 100 attendees with his opening remarks and sponsor recognition. He also introduced the KBA’s new mascot, Flint! KBA members will begin seeing the new buffalo icon on our publications, our website and at our events.
Kicking off the opening general session was Gene Marks of The Marks Group, P.C. His session was entitled: Beyond the Pandemic and After the Elections: Issues, Challenges and Strategies to Grow your Business over the Next Two Years. He spoke about the obstacles that are impacting current cash flow as well as longer-term strategies for growth, and shared what leaders are doing to navigate their companies, their employees and partners toward growth and profitability over the next two years.
Next, Peter Weinstock from Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP discussed Strategic Plans, Capital Plans and Risk Appetite: How to Fit Them Together in a COVID World. He reflected on capital, accounting, liquidity, stress testing, earnings, people and exam considerations that every bank must keep top-of-mind considering the economic headwinds.
Attendees were then divided into breakout sessions including Managing the Downturn: Best Practices in ALM by Dennis Zimmerman and Matt Maggi of Commerce Bank; Creating Funding Stability During Uncertain Times by Lance Caldwell of IntraFi (formerly Promontory Interfinancial Network); and Managing Risk Without Breaking the Bank: A Benchmarking Update by John Meyer of Cornerstone Advisors.
Wrapping up day one was Joe Sullivan of Market Insights. He spoke on the topic of Leadership in the Era of Digital Transformation. He noted that digital leaders must blend traditional skills with new competencies that help foster an environment for all employees to adapt and thrive. New approaches to learning recognition and use of physical space must be taken. Senior leaders must share a vision for how technology can improve their bank’s competitive position.
Thursday, Nov. 5, began with a welcome by committee chairman Mike Cearly from Centera Bank in Sublette. Mike welcomed Dr. Ed Seifried of Seifried & Brew for his general session topic of The 2020 Recession: Just How Bad Is It, and When Will It End? Dr. Ed said that the 2020 economic collapse will be deeper than any economic downturn since World War II. He cataloged the economic damage by this pandemic, as well as describing the monetary and fiscal policies implemented to end the downturn, and most importantly, he attempted to determine when the recovery begins whether the economy will follow the path of one of the suggested recession possibilities: the “V,” “U,” “W,” or “L” shaped recovery.
Our final presentation was entitled The One Compass — Coach and the Cowboy, led by Kevin Chase and Brandon Clark. They shared their insight on culture driven by four points of direction called ACES: Accountability, Character, Energy and Service. It provided an uplifting end to our 2020 conference.
Please mark your calendars and save the dates of Nov. 3 and 4, 2021, as we meet in person again in Wichita for the 2021 Economic Outlook and Risk Management Conference.
The Kansas Bankers Association
This story appears in Issue 6 2020 of The Kansas Banker Magazine.