Pub. 9 2020 | Issue 5


Chairman’s Message: Vision of Image Building

As we continue to navigate these challenging times and the unchartered territory of our day, there is a bright light that shines within our communities. That light is fueled by the passion, purpose and people who comprise the membership of the Kansas Bankers Association. It is the bankers in Kansas who hold the rudder steady on our respective ships called Community as we take on the waves of adversity, change and challenge. And you have my commitment as your KBA Chairman that your organization — the Kansas Bankers Association — will advocate for you, ensuring that your image will continue to be promoted.

Over the years, we have witnessed times when an event or narrative taint the community bank image. Yet we always find, when push comes to shove, banks step up to bolster those they serve. It is in this light and the shadow of a pandemic that we see opportunity. Opportunity to remind those we serve of our value to them through word and deed. The charge to promote our industry through image enhancement comes as no surprise, and it is directly tied to our current strategic plan.

The kickoff to our image campaign is led by our new brand that reflects the colors of truth and quality, coupled with an image of the beauty of a Kansas sunrise/sunset. The rays of sun portrayed by the lines that are central to the brand image remind us of the fact that Kansas banks reach out to all regions, levels of economic status, and social groups within our state. Simply — everyone matters within the scope of our industry.

Additional tools are being developed and deployed on your behalf in the form of short videos. As part of our charge to promote bankers, these resources will be made available to association members without charge, which is just another way that the KBA serves you.

My challenge to you within the scope of image building is as follows:

  1. Be willing to lead — within your community, our association and when you have related opportunities. As we each lead out, we naturally build favor and a positive image.
  2. Be vocal within your circles of influence — If we are not willing to tell our story and promote our industry, no one else will.
  3. Be ready to advocate at the local, state and federal levels — Advocacy comes in several forms, ranging from sending an email when you receive a call to action through the KBA VoterVoice system to face-to-face discussion with our elected officials.
  4. Be willing to recruit — recruit advocates for our industry and actively seek to encourage our youth to pursue a career in banking.

In summary, the only sure mistake each of us can make in the realm of image building is inaction. A lack of action on behalf of our industry will ensure that the portrait of bankers presented within our society is not truly reflective of all the excellent things each of you does. Image is about you, and it requires your involvement at all levels to ensure that it is accurate.


KBA Chairman Jonathon Johnson, Home Savings Bank, Chanute

This story appears in Issue 5 2020 of The Kansas Banker Magazine.
